How to Pray with the Bible

How to Pray with the Bible

post by Amy Boucher Pye …God comforts us through what we read. Sometimes He corrects us or convicts us; often He teaches us as He imparts His wisdom. The Bible’s story of God and His people is one of intimacy and communication. The unreachable, unknowable God...
Struggling to read the Bible? Try these 2 things…

Struggling to read the Bible? Try these 2 things…

by Alex Goodwin …If the Bible is so important, why is it such a struggle to read? Why do I so often end up confused, frustrated, and bored?… Despite how I treated His book, God gently guided me into the presence and friendship of people who had been...
4 Ways to Redeem Your Time

4 Ways to Redeem Your Time

The next two (2) weeks are Fall Break for different schools. Below are some helpful ways to reset during the break and redeem your time. by: Jaquelle Crowe Ferris 1. Give and Do Your Best 2. Enjoy God’s Gifts 3. Sacrifice the Idol of Comfort 4. Live in Light of...
4 Mistakes to Avoid in Interpreting Scripture

4 Mistakes to Avoid in Interpreting Scripture

“This is confirmation: she is the one you have chosen for me! I’m going to marry her! Thank you so much, Lord, for speaking to me so clearly through your Word.” I journaled those words as a nineteen-year-old college student. I had been dating this girl for a handful...
The Longing of Every Human Heart

The Longing of Every Human Heart

As we prepare to celebrate World Communion Sunday on October 3, read more about the love God has for the whole world and make plans for ways to share it with your neighbors near and far.   There simply is nothing like the love of God. It is the most powerful...