Click here to download 2025-2026 tuition information.
Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year will open in January! Prior to registration, a visit to the school by the child and one or both parents or legal guardians is required.
After a school visit, registration documents must include a non-refundable $115 registration fee, completed Application, Financial Agreement, as well as a packet of personal information, all available at the Preschool office,
Complete, up-to-date immunization records must be on file with the Preschool office prior to the first day of school. This record must include the Tennessee Department of Human Services logo in the upper right corner.
For more information about Germantown Presbyterian Preschool, including registration and enrollment, please contact Jennifer Gentry, Director, at 901-753-6221 or preschool@gpptn.org.