Let’s Think of Future Us

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Let’s think of future us” is a phrase I introduced to my kids a while ago. After coming in from playing outside in the snow I watched them fling their wet stuff everywhere, leaving their boots and coats in various places. Having been through this before I know how this is going to end. When we want to leave to go somewhere or go play outside again the kids would be frustrated and unable to find their things, which in turn would cause me to become frustrated too.

I stopped the kids and said, “let’s think of future us.” Let’s hang up all our wet clothing so it’s dry when we want to go out and play again and not stinky and wet. Let’s put our boots away in their cubby so we know right where to find them later and we don’t get frustrated.

To my complete and total surprise, the kids were like, yes. Let’s do that. That makes sense.

From that day on the phrase let’s think of future us has become an integral part of our day.

Read the rest of the blog post here.